SUNIC:EMS series is designed to revolutionize the performance of chillers and cooling towers. This cutting-edge device utilizes advanced technology to effectively treat hard water and eliminate scaling, corrosion, and other issues that can compromise the efficiency and lifespan of your cooling system.
Hot-water & Steam boilers

Chiller and Cooling tower
SUNIC:EMS series is designed to revolutionize the performance of chillers and cooling towers. This cutting-edge device utilizes advanced technology to effectively treat hard water and eliminate scaling, corrosion, and other issues that can compromise the efficiency and lifespan of your cooling system.

Hot Water Generators
For this kind of equipment, EMS improves efficiency and declines the need for periodically acid-wash dramatically. The Ca++ and HCO3- ions turn into neutral crystals and exit the system through the faucet instead of depositing on hot surfaces and forming limescale

RO desalination
RO desalination units are widely used in different industries to produce pure water. These units are small-scale factories and need regular service and maintenance like any other facility. Although they usually use acid and antiscalant solutions to prevent scale build-up on the membranes, they can benefit from using two EMS units after the feed pump and the high-pressure pump too.
- Improves the performance of pre-treatment by helping suspended particles removal
- Reduces the scale build-up on membranes
- Lengthens the lifespan of membranes
- Lessens the frequency of acid washing (CIP)
Cuts down the cost of chemicals

Swimming pools
Although most people never see it, behind every beautiful swimming pool or rejuvenating hot tub there are water treatment facilities, vulnerable to limescale. Ignoring the needs of these facilities can turn an attractive, enlivening unit, which perhaps makes money, into a terrible, costly disaster.
- Improves the performance of the filtration unit by easing suspended particles removal
- Eliminates limescale deposit in the heat exchanger
- Reduces the need for chemical coagulants

More world population means more food consumption which leads to using even more land for farms. As farming grows the groundwater goes down, and global warming makes this condition even worse. All of these have a dire effect on water quality and its concentration, and consequently, on the efficiency of farms. Crops and trees can hardly use water concentrated with minerals.
EMS, according to some farmers’ experiences, who have used it on some pistachio and citrus farms in the center and south of Iran, where the water condition is far from being good, and reported very satisfactory effects, is an economical, green solution for this problem.
- Practically enhance both plant growing and producing
- Increase watering facility lifespan (like nozzles, filtration, etc)
- Reduce service cost of watering facilities